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[MoD] Day 2,852

6 Día 2,852, 05:27 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

These are the orders for Day 2,852

Note: It's possible the orders will vanish automatically due to technical issues with egov. If you see this happening, please contact the Ministry of
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[MoD] Starting a new month

5 Día 2,848, 02:11 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

September starts, and with it, universities and high schools get back to their normal activity and a lot of people finish their holiday to start to work again. The MoD team has been here … leer más »

[MoD] End of the term

9 Día 2,843, 12:16 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

This term is about to end, and with it our team is gonna be replaced (probably) by a new one next month. This have been quite a good month. The most important thing that happened was the … leer más »

[MoD] New Orders

6 Día 2,839, 01:24 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

This time we have more in terms of quantity interesting battles that may need our help, be smart and if you see your damage will not be useful in one of those, pick a different one, … leer más »

[MoD]New orders and new button thingies

8 Día 2,834, 10:28 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

After some time without orders while we were waiting for eGov to be fixed, your super cool defense team decided to make super cool designs to have the priorities updated, it is most … leer más »