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Militiae Species Amor Est; or Fingermania

8 Día 1,973, 10:27 Publicado en USA USA Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear precious readers, today we depart from this paper's normal coverage (which I guess thus far has been politics and military) into the realm of socialization, with an in-depth recap at the romantic events of this last week's digital drama. Hunker

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Federalists: A Tentative Romance (or Why I Joined)

16 Día 1,957, 10:25 Publicado en USA USA Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Welcome again to my (oft-neglected) newspaper! Being still in a relatively transitive state of affairs and continuing to get the ropes of the game down, I've spent a lot of time over the past month or so trying to discern just exactly what I want to

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Battle Hero Guide

45 Día 1,917, 10:44 Publicado en USA USA Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Here We Stand. I'll be detailing a couple of (hopefully useful) guides for new players like myself, beginning with how to earn your first Battle Hero. I'll be primarily using Division I in my examples as that is

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