What's Next?

Day 3,897, 07:08 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

My poor trolling attempts aside, what is next for the federalist party?

I logged in to eRep today to find the abysmal party numbers. Not just in the Federalist party but in all of eUS.

I left eRep a while back, for several reason I would like to not bore you over. I knew at that time eRep was quickly dying. I stuck around as long as I could not for a fake country, or a fake party, but for people that I really connected with. A lot of those people I did not agree with all the time, I didn't have to. They each taught me something interesting. Wooky Jack, Jlo, MelissaRose, Tyler_B...

It's not about the game, or the conflicts, or the challenges... It is about who you are experiencing this with. What is next?

eRep is holding on by a bare thread, it is only an idea of what it once was. Plato has given up. I know, you have heard this several times before... The idea still stands however. eRep cannot last forever, so what is next? What "game" should become our next obsession? What will we toil in next? We need a game we play not to fake that we enjoy crunching numbers or figuring statistics to attempt to analyze "saving a party" or boosting party numbers. What do you suggest? What can we get behind? Leave your answers below!

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw