Population Statistics 6th September - Controversy in Asia

Day 1,021, 12:31 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! I apologise for the late release of this article. I have been ill over the weekend along with being quite busy. 🙁

This week we see a twist in events in Asia, a Country president Rage quit and a Serbia that’s looking for new resources. More on these stories below.

One more note. If Someone wants to use the images or just translate this whole article then you have my permission…however please put a link back to this original article. 😃

For new readers of my article

I have gathered the latest figures on the population. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

A lot of controversy this week on the battlefield. I’ll start with the story everyone is still slightly confused with; Asia. Last week Serbia attacked Inner Mongolia; Poland with what was the first ever 1v1 battle between the two superpowers. However; the way the battle was opened was apparently wrong. A few months ago Poland activated Hungarian MPPs (one of which was Serbia) a war between Serbia and Poland was not opened because they did not share borders. Now; about a week and a half ago Poland attacked a non original Hungary region; with Hungary still having the Serbian MPP activated. Now that Serbia bordered Poland a war was opened. However; because Poland hit a non original Hungarian region the Serbia/Poland war was deemed a bug. That means that all of the progress made by Serbia (taking Inner Mongolia, Eastern Siberia and hitting Western Siberia) was deleted and Russia was back to square one. This issue has obviously caused a lot of rage from Phoenix; who felt cheated and were quick to point out that USA used bugs to get those regions from Russia in the first place. What makes this situation even more laughable is that Far Eastern Russia battle between the USA and Russia was stopped for a few hours then reopened apparently not letting Russia attack. It’s still being investigated but it just sounds ridiculous to me.

Read Phoenix’s article in response to what the Admins did. The actions they will take if they don’t get refunded are quite funny. 😁 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dear-admins1-1502794/1/20
Spain is another hot topic this week. The Spanish CP decided that he was fed up of the hate campaign against him; so decided to sort of rage quit. First of all he attacked a French original, then a Venezuelan original region to activate a strong set of MPPs. A few minutes later an Impeachment was started which was obviously going to be accepted after he put Spain in a lot of danger. Later that day the Spanish CP got in contact with the eUK CP Jamesw and devious plans were hatched. First of all; Spain swapped through France to hit a UK original region to activate MPPs; then the UK was swapped back over to Spain taking a few of their regions before the Spanish CP was impeached. This led to a lot of troll articles in the UK media saying that the United Kingdom Failed as they did not take Asturias; a Spanish High Iron region. This was not the plan though. Taking Asturias would have cost over 1500g to open with the UK haven’t a very little chance of actually holding onto it (Asturias borders a USA region and the USA has an open war with the UK) and the actual benefit of having that region has been damage since V2 hurt the Spanish Currency and Iron prices lots. There are many reasons why the eUK attacked Spain; I’ll just list two of the more important reasons.

1) For FUN. Actual war for the UK made it fun for UK’s 2 clickers and was partly funded by the Spanish Country Accounts

2) Free war with Finland. This could be useful to them later to take back Vahalla (hi GlaDOS)

Another important development this week was the South Africa/Brazil contract. South Africa is currently PTO’d and Brazil has now officially taken one high titanium region from them for now. Read more on the contract here http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/agreement-between-ebrazil-ehungary-and-esouth-africa--1502263/1/20

The final piece of news this week is between Serbia and India. Serbia has been sitting next to India on the map for a while. Most thought it would be to try and take Karnakata in case Liaoning was to fall. India shocked everyone this week by letting Serbia to region swap through to get to Malaysia. It looks as if Serbia will eventually swap through to take Titanium from South Africa or even get into South America. Only time will tell what Serbia’s actual plans are. Once again read the Phoenix article on the issue. It even states that Serbia will return Liaoning in a few months! 😮 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/phoenix-and-eindia-common-goals-1506544/1/20
I’ll briefly point out now that Argentina and Japan have had the Multi accounts deleted in their countries which is why they lost so many this week. There are still a few multis visible in Singapore though 🙁

This was a very hard decision this week. No one really stood out as a Winner this week because the majority of countries lost citizens. I have decided that as one of the only countries to gain citizens this week and make progress..that Mexico should be winner this week. For those of you who do not know Mexico was sold out by Italy who signed a MPP so that Spain could get a free war with Mexico and take the high Oil it owns. Italy then took one of the high oil in return for helping Spain. Phoenix has tried to save Mexico for a while now and although Italy were eventually knocked out; Spain still remain. Due to the recent turn of events in Spain. Mexico has taken steps to free it’s regions with the help of Venezuela. Looking at the stats and Mexico gained 272 citizens moving up 11 places to be 43rd with a growth rate of 66.83%. Congrats on being the winner this week Mexico and I wish you luck on freeing your regions.


The loser this week is unfortunately Peru. It has been known for a long time that Poland PTO’d the country in order to reap the benefits of the High iron that is posses. This had led to many multi accounts being made in the past to help PTO the country. Now Poland has Western Siberia Peru is not as essential. This has led to a few Polish players leaving the country along with a few bot accounts dying off. I chose Peru to be loser this week because of the staggering figures. They have lost 1566 citizens this week moving down 10 places to be 32nd with a contraction of 55.12%!


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are.

Argentina – Dead Bots

Peru – People leaving the country/Dead Bots/Lost regions to Bolivia
Japan – Dead Bots

North Korea – Gained Regions
Mexico – Gained Regions
Bolivia – Gained Regions
Bosnia – Lost regions

Other Notes

- Serbia are still #1 on the list! It’s nearly 2,000 citizens between Serbia and Poland

- Only Singapore gained over 1000 citizens this week. Looks like more bots.

- So many countries lost over 1000 citizens this week; the more significant ones are Argentina and Japan who lost 14k and 3k citizens respectively. This is due to bots.
- Due to the deletion of bots we dipped below 200k citizens this week losing 33k citizens and having a contraction of 14.56%. Scary figures and it means that probably about 10% give or take a few percentage are/were bots. Interesting. 😮

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction


Congrats to ispicutura for winning last week’s contest. Please contact me for your prize. I used a random number generator to get the result.

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