Good Bye eUK, Hello eCanada

Day 1,834, 08:57 Published in Canada United Kingdom by D I W
Hello, Bonjour

I thought I’d write this article to introduce myself to my new eCanadian country men, and say catch you later for all my efriends in the eUK.

I decide it was time to move on as I bored of seeing the same people arguing about the same things in my country and we never seem to get anywhere.

I picked eCanada to begin with because I wanted to help them get back there land from the Polish unfortunately eCanada didn’t have a congress last month so I couldn’t move to help out, even though now they have all been regained i thought i could still help and after reading through the forums and speaking to different people from Canada figured I could still help out a lot, with both their MU’s and their foreign affairs.

To begin with I want to get to know the country and it’s players and find out what they want to see change. So please add me as a friend or pop on to IRC at my Channel #D_I_W for a chat.

Thank you