American Elections Saved by the Unlikliest of Heros

Day 1,009, 14:54 Published in USA USA by Dio Soryu
The Admin

I went to bed at about 8 am after four hours of full-on panic at the possibility of a Nation wide Congressional take-over threat. During this time preperations were made to suspend regular elections in order to present a unified ATO response to the unified PTO threat. A few have made complaint about the suspending of Democracy and a small group picking winners. I'm not entirely comfortable with this either and I assure you, no one was, but the threat posed was significant enough to warrant such actions.

When I awoke, a few hours later, I found that all the Republican Party Candidates had been removed from their races. Xtasia and her team averted disaster on our behalf and the entire nation owes her a debt of gratitude. All kidding aside, thank you Xtasia and all those who worked with her.

Our elections process has returned to normal and I hope everyone votes for whoever they believe in, now. This is evidence that the extreme response of the leadership of our country was not, at it's core, an attempt to hijack Democratic elections, as some have implied. If this were the case, the ATO response would have continued under false pretenses. It did not and we can now look forward to a tranquil election without fear of any PTO, all current candidates have been approved by the FEC.

I'd like to thank the tireless efforts of so many through the wee hours of the new day. I take pride in the response of so many to move in lockstep in order that our nations future might be secure. For a time, the bitterest of rivalries were forgotten and even Custard and I sat together in #ATO discussing the situation and how to respond to it. While some claim this was a low point in Democracy, I think it was a high point and a shining example of the American people coming together to fight on the same team.

That being said, I'd like to renew my candidacy for Congress in the State of Nevada. I have an aggressive agenda to reform Congress; the idea in a nutshell is to provide guidance and leadership for our less experienced and rising political figures, while not granting undue power to existing political elites. You can read more about it here.

I have no experience in Congress, but I promise to commit myself to the institution and learning its ways as I do in all my endeavors. I am a relatively new player, but I am recognized by many of our Congresspeople, former Presidents, Executives and even our current President as being in-and-amongst the next generation of American political leadership. I am currently running elections for S.E.E.S., and have no further time for this. As much as I'd like to get myself elected, I must break away to get our Party the representation it deserves.

Thank you for your time and I apologize for the lack of scantily clad womens.

Win or lose, today is a good day.