A New Kind of Kongress: Nicholas Ryan in Nevada

Day 1,005, 02:37 Published in USA USA by Dio Soryu
Kongress Sucks

We all know it. It's a sad fact of our society. We have a lot of territory and a month is hardly long enough to get that cushy chair molded to your butt properly, let alone explore the in's and out's of all that lays before us. Some say, for these reasons or others, that Kongress is fated to suck and can only suck. However, I say this is not so.

Now, many of us are new or are not involved in the games political aspects up to our elbows, so let's briefly explore what's wrong with Kongress. As it stands, Kongress is the first stop for a lot of new players looking to gain political credentials and this is right and good. With the exodus v2 has created, we need to retain new players more than ever before, in order to keep America great.

There is one problem with new players, however and that is that they are new. They often do not know what they are talking about and spend much time arguing about trivial points that have been explored exhaustively. Little is accomplished, in a climate such as this, and what is accomplished is often done by those in Kongress who have been there for some time.

Some have said this reason alone is enough that we should over-ride Kongress, in order that it should be more efficient, and that it should be controlled by the most experienced among us. But this serves both to alienate the new among us, the lifeblood of America, and burn-out those who have been around and seek to do greater things.

But, what to do? How can we both manage to harness Kongress' potential for good, but allow new players the experience and the ability to serve our Country?

I call it a 'Senate', but this should not be confused with the previous institutions. I am not copying it and it's intent and effects are much different. The premise is that eager, budding new Kongressmen simply need guidance. They want to know what they're doing and to know how to do it better and more effectively. That's why they run, because they want to make the country a better place.

My intention is to break Kongressional seats into Committees and have them chaired by one or two more experienced players who serve in these seats for 2 month terms. Most importantly, these committee chairs will not have voting rights within the committees. There will be no power associated with this office, other than the power to educate and direct the efforts of their committees. This prevents the institution from becoming a cabal of established players directing the game amongst themselves. These committees will be responsible for portions of Congressional work, such as budget and military affairs and will make recommendations to the greater congress.

They also will exist to serve the purpose of resolving disputes regarding legislation. For example, if the President were to reach an impasse with the JCS (as has happened), an emergency session of the relevant committee could be fairly easily convened to make a ruling and their ruling would be backed with the weight of Kongress behind it. This sounds better than either side having little other choice but to resort to power-plays and playing chicken with the budget.

I have been working on this with Kongressional great Rainy Sunday, who offered to introduce this on my behalf, however I feel it important to stand behind this and be there to push for it's adoption. And so, I am announcing my candidacy for Kongress in the great state of Nevada.

Now, to be clear, I'm not saying my presence will solve Kongress' problems, although it will assuredly greatly increase it's level of awesome. I intend to fix Kongress, win or lose, but need to be there to fight for it and I need you to put me there.

I realize this has been a long read and if you've made it this far, I applaud your patience.

If you're down here for the tl;dr version... well I still want your vote so here it is.

Kongress sucks.
I have an idea to fix it.
My idea to fix it doesn't involve telling everyone else what they're doing wrong.
I'm running for Kongress to push it.
Vote for me.

Now, I don't have time to raffle off a Mech to get you to vote or sub me but I would be happy to give anyone who was interested in voting for someone who's really working to a tangible goal tickets to get here. And I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, talk to you or even just listen to you yell at me for how stupid I must be. You can message me here or feel free to message me on IRC, I'm NicholasRyan, or just stop in the channel #SEES.

If you’re not interested, I’d like to encourage you to sign up to block or vote for ATO. Because NOTHING (not even my campaign) is more important and it’s your fucking responsibility.

Vote for the man with the Tits for the Job!
Nicholas Ryan in Nevada