WHITE HOUSE PRESS REPORT DAY 1,938 - Foreign Affairs Update

Day 1,938, 20:40 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

My Fellow eAmericans,

Tonight, as you may know there's been a lot happening across the eWorld these past few days and President Vanek has asked me to share with you an update on our Foreign Affairs situation across several fronts, so we'll be going around the world to bring you the latest updates.

The first is that the vote on eAmerica's acceptance into the Circle of Trust (CoT) has been delayed from this past Sunday Day 1,937 until Day 1,970. As some of you may recall the eUSA was originally slated to have a one month trial in CoT, but that was later extended to three months and most recently we experienced this latest delay; however, Secretary of State dermont|afk[JAM][MoFA] was assured by alliance Supreme Commander Todor that the matter will go to vote as soon as allowed by Alliance Protocol.

Secondly, again on the CoT front, Alliance HQ has issued a statement on the war between Russia and Poland. President Vanek wishes to continue to express the administration's support for Russia and reiterate that he intends to fully honor the terms of the Bear and Eagle Engagement signed under former President Cerb. Already the campaign has seen great success disrupting Poland's colonies in France, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, and yes even Sweden, with the USAF seeing numerous successful deployments. We also saw massive damage being laid down in support of the Motherland in MPP battles, as Chief of Staff Israel Stevens shared in his article backing our Russian Bros.

Relevant Illustration:

And speaking of massive damage, the third update is that President Vanek did some tanking of his own today- putting in over 73 million influence in support of our Albanian Bros, along the likes of such great tanks as Max McFarland and John Largo. Relevant Document: Bird on Bird Accord

Continuing on with our fourth tidbit- while negotiations are ongoing, the eUSA has opened peace talked with the eRepublic of China (eTaiwan) about the ongoing stability of the Pacific Theater with the objective of ensuring lasting stability in that region. Tentatively, to that end, we have not opened a new declaration of Natural Enemy on RoC despite the opening of a frontier with them.

This is your Secretary of Media, Oblige, signing off and reminding you again that Vanek is Victory.

Please give us a shout:
Foreign Affairs Update

Recommended Reading:

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

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