[Royal Navy] 'Gold'en Opportunities

Day 1,712, 15:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

A month into the reign of the Firefox30 and I think it's safe to say the Royal Navy has succeeded in building upon the foundations built by Garth Lidlington. Our daily damage output has improved, our IRC has seen new faces, our feeds are full of advice and laughter, this really is a boom time for the Royal Navy. A massive thanks goes out not only to the old guard or to those that have stepped up recently and taken on a supporting role within the organisation, but to you the average sailor!

Without your contributions both by gifting newbs not only with supplies, but more importantly the knowledge that you each pass on to each other, the communitny that we built would cease to exist. So to reward our hard work the generous souls at the Royal Navy have decided to run a few (hopefully) fun competitions to run from Sunday 29th July to Sunday 5th August.

So what madness do we have in store and more importantly what do we win?

Well first up we have a colouring competition, yep a colouring competition!

The most creative wins a whole 5Gold! (I'll even add points on for a sneaky boobs or penis implemented somewhere)

How to enter:

- Right click the above picture and 'save image as...'
- Load up your favourite editing software
- Get creative
- Once completed, upload the picture to a image sharing website like tinypic.com for example.
- Post the picture in the UKPP subforum in the thread titled Royal Navy Colouring Competition.

Access can be gained here:
state 'UKPP access' along with a link to your profile (must be UKPP).

Second up we have a D1 Battle Hero competition, but with a twist.

Rather then trying to score the highest damage the prize will be awarded to the member that scores the lowest wining battle hero.

This will hopefully encourage and educate the D1 members to fight smartly and not waste their damage by over hitting when there is no need.

For more information on fighting smartly:

The victor shall receive:
5 Gold along with 600 Q5 food and 60 Q6 tanks
2nd place
will recieve 300 Q5 food with 30 Q6 tanks
3rd place
will get 100 Q5 food and 10 Q6 tanks.

How do I enter:

- Open to any D1 member of the Royal Navy.
- Take a screen shot of your winning battle hero score with the damage clear to see. Remember the lowest wins
- Either post in the UKPP subforum or send the link directly to Firefox30

Lastly we have a Battle Hero regiment based competition, this will have a prize of 10 gold along with 100 Q7 tanks to the winning Regiment. All Battle Heros recorded by a regiment will be tallied up after a 7 day period the regiment with the most Battle Heroes will be crowned winners.

The prize will be handed to the captain of the regiment for him to dish out to the appropriate performers.

How do WE win?

- Screen shot every battle hero medal that you win and post in the relevant thread or send the to link Firefox30.
- Make sure to state your regiment number with the screen shot.

All in all there is a total of 20 gold, 1000 Q5 foods, 100 Q6 tanks and 100 Q7 tanks up for grabs.

Prizes worthy of a little bit of anyones time.
Any queries or questions feel free to message:
WayneKerr or
GhettoVet and they will advise you further.

Thank you to all the active members of the Royal Navy, without you none of this would be possible.

Get involved, follow the links:
Join the Royal Navy

Join the UKPP


UKPP Royal Navy

UKPP Forum
Request access here:


Big shout out to:
GhettoVet 10Gold and 100Q6 tanks
Firefox30 5Gold and 100Q7 tanks
WayneKerr 5Gold and 1000Q5 food
Without your generosity this wouldn't be possible!