[Royal Navy] Damage, huh, what is it good for...

Day 1,693, 06:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr
Well absolutely everything apparently.

Today's quick lesson is about damage direction and fighting smart! Watching a few of the battles raging upon our shores over the weekend I noticed that the eUK wastes far too much of it's precious damage. By either fighting in battles that are lost/unimportant to our cause, or by battling each other for Battle Hero medals.

Does a D1 player really need to drop 250k damage into a battle that we are winning comfortably just to be sure that the next guy wont 'steal' his 2gold? What about that D2 player that drops countless rockets into a battle where France have pushed the wall 75% in their favour, outscoring the next eUKer by half a million points in a campaign we are losing 44-1 in!

Our D3 and D4 power is limited we all understand this, and this unfortunatley is where the big points are won. All too often we will lose points in these two divisions, making the 3 points we can gain from D1 and D2 crucial to our war efforts.

So how do I fight smart?

The first thing you need to do is find out WHERE to fight:

There's many places you can find this information. Firstly your MU should have Daily Orders set to the eUK's priority battle. Failing this there should be an article by the MoD stating a list of priority battles and various links. Then there is always the chat rooms. Most MU's have one and the eUK Ministry of Defence has it's own, (follow link) http://goo.gl/ioJBQ here you can be supplied with weapons free of charge and directed to a battle in which your damage is needed.
This is the smartest way in which to find priority battles.

Even the forums tell you where to hit. There really is no excuse in being ignorant of battle priorities.

When you have found out where to fight, you need to then be smart about WHEN to fight:

Common perception is to fight only when the bar is below 55% in our favour. Hitting when the bar is 60%+ in our favour will add to the wall of damage, but ultimately could prove to be unneeded and thus 'wasted'.
Wasting too much damage could result in us being underpowered for the next round of battles and utimatley lose us points.

Rockets can prove to be a battle changer for both sides. Having the chance to drop upto 1 million damage in a second can make the battle safe. Though it comes at great personal cost. You can double the damage available with rockets by building one before eRepublik day change (which is 8am for us eUKers). You then have one available to use, stored in you inventory and one able to be built in the new eRepublik day. example Build rocket on day 1690, use it in a battle on 1691, you can then build day 1691's rocket and drop that into the same battle as well. Giving you double rocket damage and the chance to really swing the tide in eUK's favour.

As we all know... Points mean regions and regions mean tasty bonuses!

So if you have got time to watch a battle for a while, please do so and strike when needed.

Better to have a reserve then to run on empty.

We urge players to play smart with their damage, as this will be the key to our victory.

Concentrated, directed damage.

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