[MoFa ]Update on some interesting turn of events

Day 1,981, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Here is an update on some foreign affair news.
My esteemed colleague Kravenn has done the past couple of updates for you and our ambasadors have been bussy too with articles if you did not yet read them shame on you!

MoFa news
Sofiane Richa
Kapten Johnson

In this update I will be talking to you about recent Ne proposals and mutual protection proposals. Also we are going to look at Two the relations are between Two and CoT atm after the recent developments and ofc we can’t get passed the recent media hype where the predictions have been made that there will be an attempted wipe from the USA.
And to conclude this article I will be talking a bit about Romania. Who are they what is their position in the world what can we expect from them.

1. What have we seen in the Natural Enemy proposing and MPP proposals
Natural enemy
The eUK has seen two NE proposals from Ireland and The Netherlands.
Ireland voted unanimous we will be seeing them attacking tonight The NE that the Netherlands put on us their congress voted down with 7 no against 5 yes. Instead the Dutch put Poland up as per usual.

Interesting to see is that Germany has MPP with CoT Are they becoming a trial member for CoT? I went and asked a well known eGerman citizen FHK(I’ll spare you his full name)

saw your MPP with CoT countries
so kinda made a bolt conclusion. Are you or aren't you joining CoT
it's a known secret that we are trying to get closer to CoT
nothing decided yet
Is this what the people want?
afaik it needs 100% approval of CoT countries
citizens cannot decide between CoT & being neutral right now
sad to see you turn to CoT tbh
well you know
having poland occupying 70% of our regions
makes it kind of impossible to join / get close to TWO

Something you all have noticed for sure is the remarkable acceptance of the MPP from Serbia to Romania. Will we see other TWO countries do the same?

To answer my own question: Hot from the press!MPP Slovenia-Romania

2. Speculation on Romania going for an airstrike on USA.
aVie started a big hype a fe days ago with releasing this
Curious to see if this is a troll or not 😉

3. What is happening with the good relations between CoT and TWO
Old friends seem to have lost each other on the battlefield.

In recent events we can see CoT and TWo drifting apart. The fact that CoT voted USA in their ranks with 14-0 was not well accepted by TWO. A very sad day amongst friends. I thought I wouldn’t never write this but CoT managed to get TWO and some EDEN countries closer together. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some additional course of events. With the MPP between Romania and Serbia as a first

4. Lets look at Romania who are they what is their place in the eWorld.

Romania is a strong country in Europe. Weaker than Poland and Serbia but around the same strength than Hungary or Croatia. Their main enemy was for a long time Hungary but currently, it is more Bulgaria.

Romania is one of the two remaining founders of Eden Alliance (with Croatia). These 2 countries are often called Cromania. Romania also shares good relations with Greece.

On the last 6 months, via an airstrike, Romania was able to emigrate in Asia and they had direct war with Indonesia.

About politics : they are mainly stable.
By example and even if they lost influence : Partidul Liberal is one of the oldest Erepublik party.

On military units : their main ones are Templierii, Soimii Patriei (oldest MU on Erepublik), Fortele Aeriene romane (Romanian Air Forces) and Fortele Speciale romane (Romanian Special Forces). These last three ones are quite old and well known whatever your allegiance.About FAR, they have 4 years old, and are known for their strikes, they can inflict a lot of damages for their allies in a short time.

Some of their most famous citizens are elbandido (good diplomat), Bogdan_L (well known for his military analysis but left the game), Bogdan Adamutz (biggest tank), Alpho (famous strategist)

5. Some advertising
Check out the MoFA guide that was recently published.
It contains a lot of news about UK and relations with other countries : http://tinyurl.com/eUKMoFA-Guide

This concludes this update,
Yours truly,