[MoFA News] USA - Belgium - Bosnia - Chile - Argentina - Latvia

Day 1,977, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Hello, Around a week ago, we published a MoFA news. With a lot of articles involving foreign affairs, we delayed a bit the next MoFA News. So, take care : this one is a bit long but contains a lot of informations who will interest you.

USA in CoT

Like many of you already know it : USA was accepted as full CoT member after a long trial (3 months instead of 1).

On a side : CoT keeps their strongest country (check Gold mine damages to see they made more damages than Bulgaria). Losing USA and see them around another alliance could be potentially dangerous.

So, they don’t lose any damages and for USA, being full member means that they could be able to have some people in CoT HQ (at least as deputy military commander => every CoT country has one). And maybe soon : an US Supreme commander at the head of CoT.

On the other hand, USA didn’t hide that they don’t like TWO. Recently, official USA orders were to help Ireland against UK (their vCP made 124M against us) and also Croatia (or Albania) against Serbia. On a recent article from current POTUS, they said their stance towards TWO won’t change.
But like we have seen in our recent wars against Argentina and Ireland : We received a lot of support from Latin america CoT members when USA asked to their citizens to help our opponents.

Maybe at term, it could provoke communication problems between TWO and CoT. One thing is sure : eUK wants to keep excellent relations with other CoT members (especially those from Latin America).

Franco-Belgian war

Last week, I talked about the war between Belgium and France. In eUK, this war was seen as a block move to save argentina from Poland. On the beginning : France mentioned that it should be a Training war before Poland decides to wipe them to respect treaty ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-pl-agreement-between-efrance-eserbia-and-epoland-en-pl-1-2219366/1/20 )

However, our belgian friends doesn’t saw that with the same eye. For them : it was an aggression, there was no agreement with France, and Wallonia has iron (a resource that France doesn’t have).

After the first attack from France on Flanders (who was seen in UK as proof from France to help Argentina from Poland when lot of people thought that they should attack Wallonia). Belgium was able to take back initiative. Further that, Belgium successfully attacked 2 Frenchs regions (North Calais and Picardy) before losing it in Upper Normandy. Regions (that France lost) were back under their flag via resistance wars.

Black arrow = attack where France took back initiative

As supposed, France didn’t liked these moves (because they thought that wiping Belgium should take 3 days) and they launched all their forces against Belgium (with supply channels on each side).

Because Belgium has a lower firepower than France (especially if you consider it in a 1vs1). They began to sign several MPP with other CoT nations but also TWO ones (mainly with Poland, Hungary and Serbia). These 3 last countries are particularly hated in France.
On the last hours, after they took 2 of their regions (Wallonia and Brussels), France was stopped in Flanders and Belgium has initiative. Also, Belgium was able to have back wallonia (after an intense RW) and they are trying to have Brussels back

Current Belgium (Brussels is under RW)

Conflict between these 2 countries isn’t over and I’m sure that something will stay between them (mainly on French side)
Last news from Belgium : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-we-won-039-t-bow-2247277/1/20

Bosnia in Asia ?

Since admins changed Airstrike rules (lot of food, “few” cash). Lot of countries tried to have one and have some fun far far away from their original regions.

Recently, Bosnia decided to launch an airstrike and their target was India. Why moving there ?
It is quite simple : first reason is to have a congress (they were often without it) and second one : being near from their croatian friends.

Bosnian part in Asia

Their Airstrike was a success and they move to Asia. But War is currently closed. Bosnia decided to take 2 Indians regions without propose them as natural enemy.
For Bosnia, they have excellent relations with Croatia but poor with Serbia (mainly due to Real issues)

Bosnian part in Europe

Chile and Paraguay

Small news from Latin America but a great example of generosity. As you probably know : Chile has Oceanian Goldmine and every of their citizen could explore and gain between 0.3 and 40G per visit. On the same time, each time that someone visit it : Country account receive 0.1G.

Chile has strong relation with Paraguay and they decided to give them 266G from their country account. 266G is exactly the cost for 50 citizens to use the climbing center (0.19G) during 28 days (50 X 0.19 X 2😎. A great initiative and a good example of solidarity between 2 friends.


Well, what’s up for them now. First of all, Thank you to our allies (mainly Poland) and also everybody who are helping us to remove them from our regions. However, Argentina didn’t decided to remain quiet.

These last days, they tried to have access to Brazilian Gold mine (located in South Africa). After a proposal to declare Brazil as their natural enemy, these last ones made the same. Once Brazilian proposal was launched, Chilean President proposed Argentina as natural enemy.

Argentinian attack (from Pampas) on Brazilian mine (in Western Cape)

About these 2 campaigns : Brazil (who hadn’t initiative) kept access to their gold mine with a victory 90-9 against Argentina. On the same time : Chile conquered Pampas with a score of 88-0.

In Europe, Poland continues their crusade against them and further our victory in East Midlands: argentinian capital is back in South America.

These last hours, we saw that they prefered to not give back a useless region for them (East of England) than fight in a RW in Cuyo (one of their original regions).

Argentina in Europe

Currently, after being almost wiped from Europe, they should receive the same treatment in South America

Argentina in South America


We recently signed an MPP with Latvia, a member country of ACT who are our sister alliance and therefore a close friend of the UK.

Latvia is a small nation with limited fighters, however, crucially for us, they provide much needed D4 firepower as most of their fighters come from this one Div, with D3 being the second largest segment of the population. This can also be seen in the graph below which outlines the percentage of influence that each Div provides in Latvia’s output. As can be seen, D4 has the lion’s share of influence with D3 the only other Div that provides solid output.

What does this mean in terms of Latvia’s assistance in the war against Argentina? Due to the babyboom in Argentina, it is nearly impossible for us to win in D1 and D2 as their power outweighs our own, however, fortunately for us, we can compete in D3 and D4 which is where the battles are won as they are worth the most points. This means that the extra Latvian D4 damage is a bonus for our war.

Finally, Latvia seeks to aid the UK in our wars as a way to honour our assistance over the past several months against ASGARD, namely in their direct conflict against Sweden. Like Estonia, they appreciate the help we have rendered time and again to their nation and wish to give us support.

In conclusion, in this time of war and conflict, the support offered by Latvia in terms of the extra firepower coming into D3 and D4 is welcome for us and we thank them for their on-going assistance until we will be freed again.

Also, a MoFA guide was recently published.
It contains a lot of news about UK and relations with other countries : http://tinyurl.com/eUKMoFA-Guide

See ya,
