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14 Day 517, 17:53 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

Currently, in congressional candidate's platforms, they have been talking about a Baltic Alliance, i know that i have. For some people, it has become a big deal because of all that it will bring to the Baltic Nations. This alliance could help to

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Congress Elections

8 Day 513, 21:01 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

I would like to start off by saying congradulations Lithuania. We made it through the Party President elections and now we can move on to more pressing matters, such as the congress elections.

I have decided to run for congressman in Lithuania

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To all Lithuanians! Kad visi lietuviai!

8 Day 509, 13:32 Published in Lithuania Lithuania

(Here are some of my views on our current situation and our future. i will try to keep it all unbiased except for my personal opinions.)

Our Wonderful Nation:

There is a power struggle that is currently taking place in our new and young

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Being Patriotic and why you should vote!

0 Day 491, 19:51 Published in USA USA


Elections are about getting your voice heard and the only way to have this happen is by VOTING. Voting is designed to allow you, the average citizen, a chance to have your say in the government without having to deal the politics. This

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My Congressional Bid

3 Day 486, 15:15 Published in USA USA

I am new at this so I will make it short and sweet.

I am running for eTexas congressman. I am fairly new to the game, i have only been alive for a couple of months now, and i am now wanting to take a more active role in our country and the game.

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