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Message to Japan about the stolen treasury

11 Day 721, 15:47 Published in Japan Japan

Today I come to Japan to say I'm sorry for what happened to your treasury. I stopped following your media for a long time and I was not aware of it until a friend called me on IRC to talk about it. The person who stole your treasury (and steal was

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Decreasing differences

27 Day 717, 03:05 Published in South Korea South Korea

Here I come once again to speak for what I believe to be an unfairness of the war module of the game. The way it is today, new players are taxed to provide weapons and wellness packs to experienced players. Which players? Basically the same players

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An eUniversal constant: 172

17 Day 688, 16:42 Published in South Korea South Korea

Exactly 15 days ago I reached the rank of Field Marshal. It was a long journey looking for battles to fight and managing every single penny to fight with weapons as many times as I could. From now on I have the best rank multiplier I can get. The

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Comprendiendo los problemas del módulo económico

16 Day 677, 19:54 Published in Spain Spain

Más de una persona me ha preguntado sobre la posibilidad de traducir el articulo que publiqué en Corea del Sur para el castellano. Entonces decidí traducirlo yo y publicarlo en España y Argentina. Si alguien quiere reproducirlo en otro país o read more »

Comprendiendo los problemas del módulo económico

10 Day 677, 19:54 Published in Argentina Argentina

Más de una persona me ha preguntado sobre la posibilidad de traducir el articulo que publiqué en Corea del Sur para el castellano. Entonces decidí traducirlo yo y publicarlo en España y Argentina. Si alguien quiere reproducirlo en otro país o read more »