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Moving on and away

11 Day 929, 13:48 Published in South Korea South Korea

I came to this country with the same dream and goal as Spade and Smily. I wanted to help start the country, help run it for a couple months to get on its feet, and then leave. Spade and smily have already accomplished the last part, but somehow I

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It Was a War for lols. Why isn't that good enough?

26 Day 911, 02:01 Published in Japan Japan

To the people of Japan,

I see in several comments and articles the idea that Japan undertook this war for some other reason than lols and maybe an activity boost.

Now, those comments by members of the intelligent wing of the Gov't and also FoH

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No Russian MPP, until North Korea is Free!

27 Day 898, 16:02 Published in South Korea South Korea

Our MPP with Germany is an appropriate and prudent thing to do in light of the Japanese attacks. A possible MPP with France is also an appropriate response.

A MPP with Russia is an overreaction, caused by panic. You don't ask the Mafia for a

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Multi-Watch Report on Presidential Elections

6 Day 898, 01:27 Published in South Korea South Korea

Greetings South Korea,

As Head of Ninja Ban Patrol, or Director of Multi-Watch, it is my job not only to report those accounts that are less-than-human, but also to estimate their effect on our society.

In the last two weeks our population has

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Presidential Interview: Peter's Responses

14 Day 896, 21:07 Published in South Korea South Korea

Q. What would be the theme of your presidential term? The main message you would want to convey to your citizens?

A. Well the immediate theme would be this "war" and secondly and more importantly, reunifying the country and the national

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