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Cp Update Day 1485-86

6 Day 1,485, 22:39 Published in South Africa South Africa Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Good Day All,

My apologies for the delay since my last article things have been a bit hectic.

So the stale mate has been ongoing for the last few days and I have been plotting and scheming to see how we can change that. If I get congress

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eSA Day 1482 CP Update

8 Day 1,482, 01:54 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good Day All,

Just a short update...

Aus MPP went up this morning. We should vote yes on that please.

Today we are going to try liberate KZN. So if you have some damage now is the time to

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eSa Day 1480 Cp Update

9 Day 1,480, 03:26 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good Day All,

Today's Battle Priorities

1.) Aragon -
2.)North West Province - (use for NE Bonus) Not To Win This Battle!!

I am

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eSA Day 1478 Cp Update

11 Day 1,478, 22:43 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good Day All,
Just a quick update on all of what is going on and the plan going forward for the next few days. Firstly I have been in talks with Brazil and trying to organise for some assistance dealing with Indonesia. It is going to take a few

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eSa Cabinet December 2011

25 Day 1,477, 12:40 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good Day All,

First of all thank you for trusting me to be your president. I will do my best to live up to your trust. I would also like to thank Rico and Locutus for the hard work they put in for eSa in the term that just past.

I would like

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