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North America Joins Phoenix!

11 Day 866, 17:09 Published in USA USA

After Woxan and Max "Freedom Fighter" McFarland2 made it obvious that they fear an imminent Pole-Spainard invasion of the USA, North America decided to join Phoenix.


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[Game] Spot the differences!

13 Day 855, 15:10 Published in Finland Finland

Dear Finns, Hyvä Suomi!

You were quite cool to attack Russia against 21 MPP's, that officially makes you to the coolness level of eSlovenia.

And of course you could read US propaganda, they are very [Insert finnish chick here.] very

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What if?

16 Day 847, 17:00 Published in Poland Poland

Somewhere in eUrope

A couple of countries are waging a bloody war in eUrope since the beginning of time.

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[Burgenland] Kell, vagy nem kell?

22 Day 830, 05:24 Published in Hungary Hungary

Döntsük el végre, hogy kell-e nekünk Burgenland (Kismarton, Ôrvidék, hamburgerland, kinek mi tetszik).

Ha kell, akkor Q5 korhàz és defsys, és a revizionista és eRevizionista érzelmû emberek azonnal odatelepülnek, a CNRP és Shaok pedig à … read more »

Stratégiai kitekintô

12 Day 821, 15:04 Published in Hungary Hungary

My apologies to my internation subscribes, this article is only available in Hungarian, as it deals with Hungarian strategic issues.

Magyarorszàg stratégiàjàt jelenleg két betütött MPP-csokor jelentôs részben befolyàsolja.

A romànok, … read more »