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A Message to the US Government: Help Us!

4 Day 561, 07:34 Published in USA USA

Dear President Scrabman:

I come to the USA from the nation of Thailand. We have suffered a political takeover at the hands of the eMAFIA, who have captured over 50% of our Congress and now threaten to seal the deal by taking our Presidency in the

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Thailand Needs Your Help!

5 Day 554, 17:19 Published in Brazil Brazil

Many months ago, Thailand was inhabited by a large group of Brazilians, who were instrumental in shaping Thailand for the better. When you moved on and returned to Brazil, it was a sad day for all eThais. I am glad to see that you have been

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The Die Is Cast: The MAFIA Party

10 Day 554, 17:11 Published in Thailand Thailand

Well, it looks like they're here to stay. The Mafia people have created their own political party, and are nominating a candidate. What will happen from this is a pretty standard setup:

1: Presidential elections occurr. Mafia candidate comes in

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Voting in Northern Thailand: Who Needs Votes

2 Day 552, 06:05 Published in Thailand Thailand

These true eThais need ONE vote more each to guarantee election:

Albert Neurath
Jeff Hamilton
Carmen Polo

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Jeff Hamilton's PUP Party President Endorsement

1 Day 540, 19:31 Published in Thailand Thailand

Members of the PUP:

For what it is worth, I am endorsing Albert Neurath for PUP Party President. Although his opponent, Jack Roberts, has much experience, I feel that Albert has proven himself well in the capacity as leader, and deserves a third

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