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***Lets fine the Mid Way for the sake of the country***

19 Day 812, 14:21 Published in Israel Israel

After all this things went on,attacks and debates I think I have proposal that will please all of us 🙂

Again the committees stay, like I said all time.
The knesset can set up the committees like they want, and basically you are free to do what

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***Ok people, lets make it very clear:***

48 Day 812, 10:17 Published in Israel Israel

I was amazed by the mass confusion in our country today and felt like showing once and for how the democratic system Israel runs.(thats how we act here as far as I know)

There are parties in Israel, each party has congress members, in Israel-

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***New President, New Cabinet, New Era נשיא חדש,קבינט חדש,עידן חדש***

33 Day 809, 03:55 Published in Israel Israel

Hello dear citizens of Israel, your new president is speaking 😉

The elections yesterday were very close until the middle of the day, even then there was no clear winner.
I talked with Hoss yesterday about few things, I really understand

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***One doubtful man told me...[on the elections day]***

11 Day 808, 01:20 Published in Israel Israel

One doubtful man told me:
"Never believe people when everything is good and happy,you know people only in bad times- thats the true indicator for people's behavior".

It was about 5 years ago, and I still remember that everyday.
To be

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***Sadeh Badeh Is Running For Presidency!***

44 Day 798, 06:12 Published in Israel Israel

Hello dear citizens of eIsrael 😉

For sometime now, I have been thinking about running for presidency.
After I decided to run, I faced a bigger dilemma- what exactly do I want to say, what do I want to offer?

I have decided I will not use

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