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People of Israel!!! We made a huge mistake!

31 Day 461, 05:38 Published in Israel Israel

After we finally got israel, after MONTHS our dear country has been under the Turk occupation,
i thought that from now on everything will be fine, and perfect, that we will all unite, and restore this holy land.

But it breaks my hear to be a

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המצע המפלגתי של מפלגת פועלי ארץ ישראל

4 Day 460, 07:53 Published in Israel Israel

שלום אזרחי מדינת ישראל היקרים!

ברצוננו להודיע לכם על פתיחתה של מפלגתנו החדשה: מפלגת פועלי ארץ ישראל!!!
לאחר זמן כה רב בו חיינו בגלות, הגיע הזמן לחזור למקורות ולחיות בארצנו היקרה!
אך לצערנו המלאכה עדיין לא הושלמה, רק חלק אחד מארצנו הוחזר,ואנו דוג

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Hungary, i apologize!

30 Day 450, 11:43 Published in Hungary Hungary

As Bertrand Russell Smartly adviced me, i will make it clear.
When i first wrote my article, i did not know you are all REAL, since we have seen in this eWorld many cases of Bots who made a lot of multis.

After 20 minutes i understood this isnt

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Hungary, i apologize!

268 Day 450, 09:10 Published in USA USA

As Bertrand Russell Smartly adviced me, i will make it clear.
When i first wrote my article, i did not know you are all REAL, since we have seen in this eWorld many cases of Bots who made a lot of multis.

After 20 minutes i understood this isnt

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My party presidential elections Platform!

9 Day 447, 09:47 Published in USA USA

Hello dear people,

As the time for the elections is coming, i felt that it's the time to write about our path at this dats, and what i can, and will do as the new party president of the Zionist community.(If i will get elected 😛)

I belive

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