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Diary of a solider day 5

1 Day 760, 17:36 Published in Australia Australia

Dear Diary,
I lie in the grass sniping soldiers who are trying to attack us they aren't doing so well. Manic comes up to join the squad with beers for everyone, He informs us that we're doing a good job and to keep up the good work. I think to

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Diary of a soldier Robbins style

0 Day 759, 23:56 Published in Australia Australia

Hey everyone this is not me who wrote this this is actually Robbins he wrote it because he was bored and decided to share it with me personally I think he has great potential

Dear Diary
I never realised just how quickly a beautiful … read more »

Diary of an Australian Soldier day 4

0 Day 759, 17:14 Published in Spain Spain

Dear Diary;

Today, the Brazilians were pushing us back in the war for South Australia, but they were ounumbered by us Aussies and our great allies. We couln't ask for greater friends. But, just as the battle for South Australia was coming to

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Diary of an Australian soldier day 4

0 Day 759, 17:12 Published in Croatia Croatia

Dear Diary;

Today, the Brazilians were pushing us back in the war for South Australia, but they were ounumbered by us Aussies and our great allies. We couln't ask for greater friends. But, just as the battle for South Australia was coming to

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Diary of an Australian soldier day 4

0 Day 759, 17:09 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Diary;

Today, the Brazilians were pushing us back in the war for South Australia, but they were ounumbered by us Aussies and our great allies. We couln't ask for greater friends. But, just as the battle for South Australia was coming to

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