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Shame On You Evan Bayh, Shame on You!

43 Day 325, 13:36 Published in USA USA


Well my readers, as I have 35 votes to Evan Bayh's 2, he apparently decided to change the name of the party to "If You are Gay join this party" and deleted the logo. He changed the Mission statement to a … read more »

AAP Members! Don't forget to VOTE!

4 Day 325, 02:41 Published in USA USA

All AAP members,

Don't forget to vote today. I hope after this long campaign you decided to put your trust into me. Now, right now I am doing pretty good, but one thing I want you to keep mind is that Uncle Sam has endorsed me. If you want Uncle

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Citizen HEM for AAP President: YOU have a choice to make!

5 Day 324, 16:48 Published in USA USA

My fellow citizens and AAPers,

Tomorrow the polls will open. We will walk into our psychological voting booth, and we will have a choice. A choice that will determine what direction this party will go in.

We have two choices in front of us.

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Citizen HEM for AAP Party President: Youtube Ad

9 Day 324, 12:39 Published in USA USA

Hey everyone, I want to remind all AAP members to vote for Citizen HEM for tomorrow. I have been working in this ad, that I think if you haven't followed the campaign will give you the highlights of the point.

The movie does move a little

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AAP Party Members: Hear the Sound of Nothing Knocking?

18 Day 321, 12:51 Published in USA USA

For the last few days I have leveled a series of concerns and complaints against the current leadership in the America's Advancement Party. I want to clearly and notably list my concerns of the incumbent President, in case you haven't read my

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