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Annoucing My Mayor Campaign

5 Day 293, 15:04 Published in USA USA

Yes, everyone, it is time once again. I come before you here today to officially annouce my candidacy for Mayor of Columbus. This election will represent to you many of my unfulfilled goals from last term and to show you the ideas I have developed

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Citizen HEM Speaks Against Presidential proposal

28 Day 289, 13:35 Published in USA USA

From the Office of Citizen HEM
AAP Congressman

Hey all, I generally don't like filling the Media Market with two of my issues so close together. I know it gets rather annoying, but this is something I feel needs to be said.

I strongly … read more »

Columbus Treasury

2 Day 289, 13:11 Published in USA USA

A shout out to the residents of Columbus!

I want to encourage everyone to keep donating small am mounts to the city of Columbus. Now, many of you are thinking "We have a hospital now, we really don't need money" and that is the easy way

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Congress Update #1

2 Day 288, 13:50 Published in USA USA

From the Office of Citizen HEM
AAP Congressman

Hey all, in my effort to get everyone here in Ohio updated on my goings on I wanted to make an official comment on two events. Firstly, I am glad that a trade agreement has been formed … read more »

Exciting News

6 Day 287, 16:39 Published in USA USA

Hey all,

I am excited to have been elected as a Congressman. The AAP had a great success last election and I look forward to serving everyone. Any concerns should be sent to me, aswell as comments or questions.

Look forward to serving Ohio and

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