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The return of Wazamaza, and everything not even remotely related


13 Day 985, 14:09 Published in Russia Russia

я уже две недели пытаюсь напистаь президенту, МО, romool, чтобы меня взять в элитный отряд еРоссии. я трачу голд за россию. свой. мой ранг 4 игрок в стране и по навыку я сильный. но всеравно. все делается между друзьями в этой стране. грусть.

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Россия, я здесь.

12 Day 966, 10:48 Published in Russia Russia

Вы меня совсем не знаете и мы не знакомы.


Я молчаливый генерал.

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[SFP] The Primaries

6 Day 863, 00:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Wazamaza used Awesome Hat against Brainslug!
It's super effective!

(As you can see above, my hat is Brainslug-proof, which makes me the perfect candidate)

Another short article this time!

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Thank you for voting! (SFP)

7 Day 857, 02:01 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Short article this time, but on behalf of all SFP candidates I would like to thank everyone for voting for us!

Even though we are just getting started, we are now the second biggest party in eSwitzerland based on the amount of congressmen!

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Swiss Freedom Party - Our Ideas

10 Day 853, 02:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Only in English, I would have translated it if I could but sadly, I can't 😉
But hey, we all speak English right?

Switzerland, Nation of Ideals! (domestic)
Switzerland has always been a troubled nation, torn apart by numerous wars and

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