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Congressional Run in Southeast Mexico

0 Day 1,707, 16:23 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hey everyone!

Well after some extended time off from the game and the eUSA, I am back and have decided to run again for congress in Southeast Mexico with the Federalist Party, a great American party!

I am running once again because I want to

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Congressional Run in Mpumalanga

6 Day 1,615, 06:09 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Everyone!

Yes I am back after a couple month layoff and have have moved to the beautiful country of South Africa! Now I am pleased to say I am throwing my name in the congressional race in Mpumalanga with the Open Opportunity Party!


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Congressional Run in Louisiana

5 Day 1,403, 19:05 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hey everyone!

Well after a one month layoff I have decided to run again for congress in the great state of Louisiana with the American Military party!

I am running once

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Congressional Run in Minnesota

6 Day 1,341, 20:06 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hey everyone,

Well it is once again time to go to the polls and elect your congressmen and women and with that I am very pleased to announce I am running for Re-Election in the great state of Minnesota with the American Military Party!


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July POTUS Election: Making Smart Choices

5 Day 1,320, 10:55 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hey America,

We have quite an election coming up this month. So many big names are vying for the honor and responsibility of being President of the United States:

Blank Keating
Goalie BCSC
And of

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