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the rise of the spam article 3 (the time travel paradox)

44 Day 2,496, 18:10 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

the 3e of my spamming series contains one of my favourites time travel.

The paradox comes down to the question:
what happens if a time traveller goes back in time and (accidentally or intentionally) kills his grandfather before it could beget

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the rise of the spam article 2 with extras

33 Day 2,496, 16:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

to be a little intresting i will post spam articles with a little nice to know information

The 1% that is 50%
you got 100KG potatoes and those consist of 99% water
if you dehydrate the potatoes until they consist of 98% water
how much

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the rise of the spam article 1 (includes entertainment )

42 Day 2,496, 14:09 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

to become less of a boring person with my spamming articles to get comments i have included a list with paradox sentences to this article

1. thank god i'm an atheist.
2. take one advice, never take advice
3. nothing is certain and even that

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The golden age

33 Day 2,487, 10:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello everybody

To get rid of those annoying missions, i'm going to give the first 25 different users that comment on this article 0.1 gold.

Thanks in advance.

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