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The State Of American Media

14 Day 402, 13:53 Published in USA USA

Ignoring the mass of campaign articles for the recent election, I would like to address the state of American Media. Today, it is in better shape than most of history.

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Meet The 13th United States Congress

30 Day 402, 08:55 Published in USA USA

This article is supposed to serve as a public service announcement and as an historical record. The following are the elected Congresspersons in December 2008 elections. I’ve added this to the [url=

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Alarming Trends In America

41 Day 399, 13:00 Published in USA USA

There are several alarming trends that have recently emerged or re-emerged in America. They include the emergence of radical nationalism, shortsighted war preparation, economic uncertainty, and the repetitious campaign. I will address each of these

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The December Numbers

22 Day 396, 13:03 Published in USA USA

One of the problems that I ran into when compiling the top 50 most important eAmericans list was the lack of readily available information on different members of our society and on our society in general. For example, the USA [url=http://wiki.

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50 Most Important eAmericans: No. 20-11

34 Day 395, 17:26 Published in USA USA

This is a continuation of the list of the most important eAmericans of all time.

No. 50-41 can be found here.
No. 40-31 can be found [url=http://www.

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