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Babe of The Day: Lucy Pinder (cont'd)

6 Day 673, 18:54 Published in USA USA

Here are the last photos on the beautiful Lucy Pinder, I'll be including 7 photos with no comments, but in the next issue the comments will recommence, but due to problems, I can't say when that issue will come out, but I am sure it will include

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Babe of the Day: Lucy Pinder

6 Day 672, 18:53 Published in USA USA

Sorry this article is coming out so late, but here it is.

Heres some info. about her:
Lucy Pinder is one of Britain's premier glamour models thanks to dozens of mouthwatering appearances in men's magazines. In the 2005 UK edition of the FHM 100

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The Jizz Chronicles: Sorry No Issue Today

5 Day 671, 19:49 Published in USA USA

Because of extensive studying and testing I was not able to post an issue of the Chronicles today, but I will be posting a new one tomorrow featuring Lucy Pinder, and it will be extremely elaborate and amazing.

I hope I can be forgived for this

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Babe of the Day: Keeley Hazell

6 Day 670, 15:17 Published in USA USA

Today we'll be checking out Keeley Hazell and her amazing breasts, in a very large amount of photos. First we'll have some background info. to help you gain some knowledge about this amazing and beautiful women.

Born and raised in the suburbs of

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Babe of the Day: Kim Kardashian

4 Day 669, 11:42 Published in USA USA

Today we will be viewing Kim Kardashian, one of the hottest women out there. Her extremely fine ass has made her well known among the American populace and her face and breasts are pretty good.

Some information is:
Kimberly Noel "Kim" Kardashian

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