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Україна, допомогти союзнику

20 Day 712, 13:24 Published in Ukraine Ukraine

Help your allies, fight here:


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Kandidatura za hrvatski kongres treći put...

6 Day 703, 08:32 Published in Croatia Croatia

Eto, kandidiram se za kongres treći put za redom, jer sam uhljeb debeli i neda mi se skupljat druge medalje, pa se trudim skupit što više kongresnih... A i strah me putovat po svijetu da me neki Feherlohohoho Kopamnosy, GMasila ili Zolji-drolji ne … read more »

Propaganda article about the WSR RW

14 Day 681, 02:42 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Or is it?

So yesterday someone decided it's time to fight back the oppression, and the WSR RW started. At first all interested sides were puzzled, and the uninterested even more. Who? And

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Kandidatura -Joe DiMaggio-

12 Day 672, 11:10 Published in Croatia Croatia

Ja sam Joe, i odlučio sam se kandidirati za još jedan mandat u kongresu. Mnogi od vas su me upoznali tek u proslih mjesec dana otkad sam počeo aktivnije sudjelovati u igri u Hrvatskoj kao kongresnik i ponovnim pokretanjem Hr. MM akcije.

Pošto sam

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Why is fail to say: "PEACE fail" - THE ANSWER TA-DAA

8 Day 671, 07:46 Published in Croatia Croatia

The real answer to the question about which the author bables on in THIS article.

My dear Fehorlofoholohoho Kopamnosy, it is fail to say: "PEACE fail"

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