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3. Ranking up and advanced concepts

7 Day 564, 09:25 Published in Australia Australia

3. Ranking up and advanced concepts

So far, we've seen how to fight and why it helps you produce more. Let's see how it can be fun!

i- damage and ranks
ii- resistance wars
iii- enrolling
iv- tanking

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2. How to benefit from a war

4 Day 564, 08:09 Published in Australia Australia

2. How to benefit from a war

i- experience
ii- the hospital

i- experience

Every time you fight, you earn 2 experience points. It might not seem like much, but when you consider you usually … read more »

1. Fighting - an introduction

2 Day 564, 07:49 Published in Australia Australia

1. Fighting - an introduction

i- training
ii- the battlefield

i- training

What is training? It is simply working out to improve your fighting skills. Along with working and reading the press, … read more »

Chapter Three : The Military

3 Day 564, 06:16 Published in Australia Australia

Chapter Three : The Military

This chapter is an introduction to the art of war waging in the new world. As we will see later, fighting is both fun and beneficial to you.

We will cover the following topics:

1. Fighting - an read more »

4. Further reading

3 Day 562, 16:37 Published in Australia Australia

4. Further reading

i- articles
ii- wiki links
iii- tools

i- articles

There are two articles worth mentioning on the subject of speculating. The first one is about going long: [url=http:// … read more »