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Brave Indian Army #3

21 Day 2,898, 00:23 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

How Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey inspired a crucial reclamation that led to India’s victory during the Kargil War.

Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey, … read more »

Brave Indian Army #2

11 Day 2,896, 08:40 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

When this 2nd Lieutenant single-handedly destroyed numerous Pakistani tanks and troops, denying Pakistan to enter Indian soil

[img]http://[/img] … read more »

Param Vir Chakra #Introduction

8 Day 2,894, 06:13 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

What is a Param Vir Chakra?

India’s highest military decoration, the Param Vir Chakra is awarded “for most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self sacrifice, in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, at sea,

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Brave Indian Army #1

6 Day 2,892, 22:58 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello guys,

I will be compiling a few articles about the brave Indian Army, related to real incidents.

I hope you guys will love it and feel proud of our country and our Army.


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