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Cyberespionage campaigns

2 Day 1,294, 18:23 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

ecent attacks on three U.S. defense contractors could be tied to cyberespionage campaigns waged from China, several security experts told CNET.
The incidents at Lockheed Martin, L-3 Communications, and Northrop Grumman appear to stem from a breach

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Cell Phone Radiation. Self defense

3 Day 1,294, 10:15 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

We would never tell people to stop using their cell phones. But when you drive a car, you put on your safety belt. When you are trying to get to a healthy weight to prevent illnesses like heart disease, you count calories."
--Tawkon CEO Gil

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SONY starts free games, movie rentals for PSN users

5 Day 1,294, 07:08 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

All 77 million of you that had your personal information exposed in the massive breach of PlayStation Network, you can get your free games now.
Sony said this morning that its "Welcome Back" package of free games, movie rentals, and in-game content

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