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I prefer The Drunkard. But what do I know? I'm a bear. I suck the heads off of fish!


2 Day 296, 13:09 Published in USA USA

Yes I know how to spell. What I'm here to talk about is Independent politicians, or rather the lack thereof. Parties are great and all (I am a Libertarian after all), but shouldn't it be possible to one way or another run as an independent?


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Electoral reform

6 Day 295, 18:38 Published in USA USA

For once, I think that I have come up with a good idea for the game, though admittedly, it's been around for awhile. For presidential, mayoral, and party presidential elections eRepublik uses the standard first-past the post system, i.e. whoever

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Location, Location, Location

2 Day 291, 17:50 Published in USA USA

They say all politics is local, though this seems to apply less in eRepublik. So, as usual, I have some rather bad ideas which I would like to throw out there.

Basically my idea revolves around the idea of sub-regions. Admittedly, this wouldn't

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Soylent Green

4 Day 290, 11:26 Published in USA USA

I was just thinking, unfortunately for you readers.
There are a fair amount of deaths in eRepublic.
In V1 you need raw materials to make products.
So basically, I expect to see soylent green marketed in the near future. (It's not gross, it's the

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My worst idea for the game ever (well so far...)

10 Day 289, 16:47 Published in USA USA

I had a horrible idea today for the game: Disease.
Bear with me, it could happen randomly but still be contagious. I could make you lose a little health, lower your productivity, or even make you unable to work. Maybe we would have another use for

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