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Canada's Strength

9 Day 143, 05:22 Published in Canada Canada

Unfortunately for them, the Americans are learning what Canadian strength truly is. They have bigger guns and think thats enough, but they didn't count on our greatest strength, our allies. Canada has always strived to forge strong ties with other

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International Dilema

4 Day 142, 09:18 Published in Canada Canada

Talks are underway of a United Belgium and UK. Both countries are powerful as it is, but together they may even contest with Sweden's power. Follow this story closely because it could result in a new world balance and potentially a world war.

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War is a certainty!

10 Day 140, 15:28 Published in Canada Canada

The following link will take you to the declaration of war and its current tally.

Subscribe to The Daily Wraith for up to date results.

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WAR is on the brink!

11 Day 140, 11:05 Published in Canada Canada

Typically I would write a page long rant that would essentially say "I told you so", but as our very nation depends on it, simply read this:

I will move for the immediate resignation of our "

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Mellish was wrong

11 Day 140, 09:19 Published in Canada Canada

I am both ecstatic and embarrassed to write this article. I have just seen our country's rank and we have gone from 16 to 18! I didn't think we were making progress, but clearly I was wrong, as we've attained a higher numbered rank. I take back

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