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CP update day 963

44 Day 962, 21:05 Published in Australia Australia

Hello eAustralia,
Today's is just a small update on preceding.

The eSouth African CP Stryke Blayde has cordially invited anybody that wishes to leave eAustralia a temporary home, in doing so I say that eSouth Africa is our choice of preference

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eAustralias True Cabinet

93 Day 961, 02:05 Published in Australia Australia

Hello eAustralia,

As the scum have announced their cabinet made of soft wood,

I hereby release my cabinet made of hardwood

Cabinet ministers...

PM: sir_c0nstant
dPM: Widdows9000
Chief of Staff: Wally Wilson

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Vote sir_c0nstant - eAustralia first.

32 Day 957, 07:19 Published in Australia Australia

Hello eAustralia,

Tomorrow again we vote.....

We vote to save our beloved eAustralia from falling into the hands of fate.

The enemy is amongst us and so far we have struggled to curtail their activities, but it is not all doom and gloom for

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A message to all eAustralians - Don't Vote For Me

21 Day 927, 05:19 Published in Australia Australia

This is a message to all my supporters, my party and eAustralia.

You are probably all aware of the deal brokered between the ANP and AMP, this deal came into effect when sandygee entered the race for CP.


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sir_c0nstant- Finance and health

5 Day 923, 14:56 Published in Australia Australia

Hello eAustralia,

Here is my first of 2 articles outlining my policies.

I am glad to say Venja is also going to be my Minister of Finance. I will be asking him to keep the money market peg around the 0.02 (50-52 aud) mark and

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