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Where have I been? What am I up to?

3 Day 751, 22:04 Published in Russia Russia

Real Life can be a tiring taskmaster at times.

I've been two clicking again for a bit will be returning into the realm of eFantasy more often now.

Part of this is

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BALAGAN v eAmerikanskih Viborah = Election BUG

8 Day 676, 00:31 Published in Russia Russia

Bil balshoy balagan v eAmerikanskih viborah. Vse kto zapisalis bili prinati v Amerikanski Congress... Mezhdu 167 i 200 chelovekh poluchili zoloto i medali.

Ya izvenayus shto netu Ruskova shrifta na etom computsere, no dumayu shto vi tozhe

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R3d for Congress!

12 Day 668, 16:55 Published in USA USA

"The heavens parted, and a great voice said unto the masses: Amidst the blood of the fallen you will find the Shield. From the Islands of Paradise will arise a great Sword..."


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The Siege of Fort Knox

2 Day 666, 11:08 Published in USA USA

"...Their Fortress of Wealth was surrounded by the hordes of the enemy. One after another the defenders fell, drenching the walls in crimson paint as valuable as what the Fortress held inside. Refusing to abandon the mountain of Gold within, the

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The Battle's End

2 Day 665, 20:33 Published in USA USA

"He walks along rows of the corpses of fallen soldiers, wishing he were among the heroes they will sing of for generations.. Not realizing the enormity of his own fate."

Scene after scene of war, torment, and desolation plague the pages of The

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