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[CP] First article

11 Day 1,691, 18:07 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to say you thank you for voting for me, also congratulations to Little Boy Blue, he was good candidate also. I will give my best to not let read more »

For Magnificent Ireland - Official candidacy

46 Day 1,688, 09:56 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Irish people,

I decided to inform you that it's my time to run for President on the 5th of July.

I love Ireland in RL. I think I have enough experience … read more »

PP elections

8 Day 1,458, 08:55 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello everyone,

Thanks to all of party colleagues who voted for me and gave me confidence.
Thanks to Marcus who was the most respectfull and tough "opponent" someone could have and i hope we will cooperate just fine in the month it comes.


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propali miting

19 Day 1,255, 17:31 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Smrzavao sam se vani od 20 do 21 sat ispred kina Europe čekajući da se netko pojavi da odemo na kavu, ali nitko se nije pojavio. Nazvao sam Dariu89 i rekao joj da ne dolazi jer nitko nije došao. Nakon razgovora s Dariom nazvao sam prijatelja i

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Opet miting u Osijeku :)

48 Day 1,253, 04:07 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Evo i prigodne pjesme

Ponovno se organizira miting u Osijeku, ovaj put u četvrtak (28.4.) u 20 sati se sastajemo kod Kina Europe i idemo na kavu na promenadu. Poslije toga idemo

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