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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

This will be the mouthpiece of HuCard, the Swiss Minister of Defence, until the next elections will grant him access to the official newspaper.
Bis er nach den nächsten Wahlen Zugang zur offiziellen Zeitung erhält, wird diese hier Befehle des Schweizer Verteidigungsministers HuCard verlautbaren.

Aidez la France! / Help France!

3 Day 767, 07:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

(English version below.)

Néerlandais et belges, citoyens des United Netherlands!
(Pour ceux qui voudrait savoir comment postuler, lisez cet

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Comment postuler à l'Ordre de Rhenus

1 Day 767, 07:17 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

(The English version can be found here.)
Si vous désirez aider les français dans la libération de leur pays et accepter l'offre de l'Ordre

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Supporting Volunteers for the Liberation of France

3 Day 766, 13:43 Published in Italy Italy

Dear citizens of Italy!

For entire weeks now your neighbour and ally France has been under the unrighteously occupied of Spain. In revenge for past actions of France (that She had long atoned for already) the Spaniards conquered half of Her

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How To Apply for the Military Order of Rhenus

1 Day 766, 13:41 Published in Italy Italy

If you desire to aid the French in the liberation of their country and accept the offer of the Military Order of Rhenus, please follow these steps:

1.) Send an in-game message to either the

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Join the Order of Rhenus, help to Liberate France!

1 Day 756, 06:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear people of the United Netherlands!

With disapproval has the Order of Rhenus been observing the recent occupation of France at the hands of Spain. Revenge is not a legitimate justification for the suppression of a nation, much less so if the

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