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A small explanation for Hungarians

36 Day 1,234, 23:49 Published in Romania Romania

[EN] I think that right now all of you think that it is good that Romania is green. And yes it is good but not for you, for us. Do you want to know why Romania is green?

Because we were bored to see Hungary in yellow after conquer it, and … read more »

Stie careva ce e SPAM-ul?

16 Day 1,233, 03:40 Published in Romania Romania

Am facut azi dimineata "greseala" sa scriu un articol cu versuri din piesa "Jos cenzura" - Parazitii. Ma gandeam ca un PS subtil se va intelege. Dar m-am trezit cu 2 FP-uri pentru un articol considerat SPAM (unul dintre FP-uri a fost sters dupa ce

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NKFV - Bulgarian Ambassador to eRomania presentation

11 Day 1,185, 23:46 Published in Romania Romania

Hello, eCitizens. I'm very happy to present to my compatriots NKFV - the Bulgarian ambassador in eRomania.

Welcome to eRomania! What was the reason for you to come to our country and work as ambassador? Do you have any past experience read more »