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Thank you!

13 Day 808, 17:35 Published in India India

Well, I just found out that my, and many of yours, good friend NagaPrathyush(Known as Trojan by a lot of us)is leaving the game. I'm taking it as a joke that he's going to return in

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Intent to Run for...

9 Day 801, 21:50 Published in India India

Dear citizens of India, I, Pheenic, would like to announce that I plan to run for the position of...

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Iran attacked Balochistan!

9 Day 801, 06:30 Published in India India

Iran's attacked! Oh my god! What do we do?

What do we do? Fight back!


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The EDEN/Phoenix interview starring Shoot and Barakkocamis!

4 Day 787, 21:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hi UK, I'm Pheenic! Recently, I decided(Thanks to Nikkk S)to interview the Secretary General of EDEN and Phoenix with the same questions. EDEN citizens are always shouting, "Phoenix lies!", and vice-versa for Phoenix citizens. So I

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EDEN vs. Phoenix:Interview

4 Day 787, 16:11 Published in Romania Romania

Hi Romania, I'm Pheenic! Recently, I decided(Thanks to Nikkk S)to interview the Secretary General of EDEN and Phoenix with the same questions. EDEN citizens are always shouting, "Phoenix lies!", and vice-versa for Phoenix citizens. So I

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