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Napi jelentés - 659. nap

11 Day 659, 04:07 Published in Hungary Hungary

A jelentesi idointervallum: 2009-09-08 03:00 - 2009-09-09 03:00


3 új field marshal
laulic, [url= more »

Further adventures of G3uj%#&haxxor?_$

19 Day 659, 00:01 Published in Hungary Hungary

This morning, before heading to the world-domination office, I tried to clean up the place a little bit. Longfellow was still sleeping, so I took over his account (he still didn't change his password). While looking inside the closet, I noticed

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On the internet, EVERYBODY knows you're a dog...

24 Day 658, 13:33 Published in Romania Romania

....if you ignore the warnings and blow your cover by trying too hard to disguise into a cat, using tehniques like:

- naming your newspaper after a famous physicist's cat (the owner of this newspaper, he is totally a dog, I can tell: [url]http://[/url]

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On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog

21 Day 658, 08:07 Published in Romania Romania

Hello everyone!

I am the dog of Longfellow. I have hacked his account and am now writing this article without his knowledge.

He recently made the stupid mistake of writing down his password on a piece of paper. But then again, I'm not that

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On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog

19 Day 658, 07:50 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hello everyone!

I am the dog of Longfellow. I have hacked his account and am now writing this article without his knowledge.

He recently made the stupid mistake of writing down his password on a piece of paper. But then again, I'm not that

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