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[CP]NE Singapore Proposal

23 Day 1,484, 12:46 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello eMalaysia!

Please all congressmen vote NO to the NE Singapore proposal. This proposal has been made by Atropates without my knowledge. This is rude, disrespectful and shows you don't know what's happening in the government and do

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Daily Orders Improvement

3 Day 1,483, 06:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello eWorld!

There have been changes in the way the daily orders work. These changes are made:

Battle priorities

On the military unit page, the commander will be able to set up a priority list of 5 countries

- the priority list … read more »

[CP] New Cabinet Members

9 Day 1,480, 15:22 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello eMalaysia and other readers!

We got two new additions to the cabinet. We finally found a MoF and we have a deputy MoFA.

Our Minister of Finance for this term will be Nicholas2000! An old eMalaysian president, right after the Serbian PTO,

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[CP] Extending the eGreece MPP

12 Day 1,479, 12:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello eMalaysia!

I would like to ask all players in congress to vote yes for a new MPP with eGreece. eGreece probably gives us the most wars and has been a loyal ally for several months now. So please vote yes!


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The First Days

12 Day 1,478, 12:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello eWorld!

Some of you might wonder why I will write about these first 2 days. It's to keep interacting with everyone. We have seen a lot of Presidents go quiet after they were elected but I hope I can be different in this and keep telling you

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