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[POK] Medals, medals, medals… (En\Hu)

31 Day 1,391, 09:55 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Back in the good old times, the battle hero medal was a relatively rare, therefore also a memorable achievement. Even the strongest tanks had to invest some serious gold to get one. Occasionally however, even the weaklings could grab that medal, if [

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21 Day 1,380, 10:09 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Those who read my articles already know that I’m generally a constructive bloke, and often share some of my deceptively clever ideas. Behold and wonder! This one is the most groundbreaking yet!

Basically I’ve distilled the very read more »

Is eRepublik now better than v1? Jobb most mint a v1-ben???

25 Day 1,373, 09:56 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Almost certainly NOT. However, being brave in the face of challenge, I decided to create a Top 10 list of recent features that represent significant improvements over the beloved v1. It’s just for the sake of balance.


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[POK] And another thing… És még valami…

9 Day 1,370, 10:08 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Back in the February of 2009, when I started playing eRepublik, my very first suspicion that I may have stumbled upon a crappy game arose the moment, when the lack of a dynamic world-map came to my attention. A war-strategy game without an up-

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Hátbaszúrtak! Jaj az ellenségeimnek!

14 Day 1,365, 08:40 Published in Hungary Hungary Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ezen a mai napon, hagyományt és tekintélyt nem tisztelő, gerelyista lázadók sikeresen megakadályozták, hogy újból elfoglaljam az eleve nekem rendeltetett

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