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new high regions

6 Day 1,106, 04:18 Published in Belgium Belgium

From today all regions in eRepublik will be high regions. They all will have one raw material with the high rating. All the other materials will have a medium rating. There are also new raw materials.

These are:

*Grain (not new of course)

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community of eBelgium more active?

7 Day 1,102, 05:51 Published in Belgium Belgium

When we look at the number of voters this congressional election we see a number of 119.


that's an increase of 63% compared to last congressional elections (73 voters)
And an increase of 33.7% compared to last presidential elections (

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The decline of e-Belgium

5 Day 1,050, 04:48 Published in Belgium Belgium

When taken a look at the voting during the presidential elections in 2010 we get a very clear view on the decline of e-Belgium.

Februari 2010: 1217 voters
March 2010: 703 voters
April 2010: 495 voters
Mai 2010: 519 voters
June 2010: 382

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