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Endorsement article for the mission

5 Day 5,266, 00:06 Published in Mexico Mexico Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The benefactor 1/7
Support independent journalism
Endorse 5 articles until Day 5,273 23:59

Last year a lot of endorsment was required 🙂read more »

Happy holidays!

12 Day 5,148, 00:38 Published in Mexico Mexico Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have 25 gifts to gift. (no gift back expected)
As the amount is limited :
-the first 25 that comment below the article will get 1 gift each. (content of the comment does not matter)
-eMexico players only or at least eMexico military unit.
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Division 1 bazooka and bombs use

2 Day 5,039, 01:19 Published in Mexico Mexico Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

I have seen lot of division 1 players just hit with/without weapon and do minor damage.
If you are division 1 player and do not have lots of strength and experience inhibitor- use bazookas!
Bazooka cost from gold store- 10 gold for 55 bazooka

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For the endorse mission

5 Day 4,907, 00:37 Published in Mexico Mexico Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

spend 5 for endorsing articles
the endorsement mission is not for 10, 50, 100 endorses but for more 🙂
if you endorse 200 articles you will complete teh SpringBrak mission for endorsement

event finished. donateing 20k to the country.

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ще ни изтрият ли?

6 Day 3,646, 09:57 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

не мога да се сдържа и ще спамна 🙂

ако ни изтрият- тогава народа ще има някой външен да мрази. да- сегашните управляващи ще ги мразим няколко седмици, но после ще забравим. стадото бързо забравя. сравнено с това да сме изтрити няколко месеца- еми

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