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An upgrade to the update !!!

6 Day 1,568, 15:22 Published in Turkey Turkey Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear fellow citizens,
Dear admins,

I think there should be made another change/upgrade in the economy.

Since all currencies have the same value, the only difference is that a player in a country with 4 resources will have a salary of ex. 110

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Пред 422 дена..

3 Day 1,557, 18:59 Published in Turkey Turkey Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Најдов сликата вкомпјутер па реков да споделам..

Имено станува збор за скриншот направен пред 422 кога донациите беа видливи, а малверзацијата е очигледна 🙂

Ако сте играле тогаш знаете кој е Boyan, а boboo6 е наш добар играч 🙂


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Битката со Албанија

6 Day 1,533, 14:19 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Добра вечер Македонијо,

Ми текна можно сценарио, па колку и да звучи глупаво или незнам какво, според мене сепак е изводливо, па реков да ве прашам што мислите:

Дали Плато понесен од настаните во RL ги диктира настаните на играта, т.е. на жариш

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How I see our allies/enemies

25 Day 1,492, 16:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Greeting eWorld,
Disturbed by what is happening this couple of days, how people change their mind 100 times a minute, like a girl on her period (no offence girls, I U all), I decided to write an article, that I believe very few players will read

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This is what we need!

1 Day 1,489, 06:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Just play the game, have fun, meet new faces, new friendships, stop the hating, respect everyone, make love not war.

Turkey made a decision, ONE made a decision, we will see if it was a good, or a bad one, but we have to live with it.

I'll do

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