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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

Este jornal terá como objectivo criticar politicamente todos os feitos dos governos passados, actuais e futuros.
Terá também uma vertente social que fará o possível para agendar debates públicos entre cidadãos e políticos.
Haverá também uma vertente mais lúdica com vários torneios.

[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº777] - Mind: Don't worry be happy!

7 Day 5,140, 08:58 Published in Portugal Portugal Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº776] - Night: Good night for all!

6 Day 5,139, 13:59 Published in Portugal Portugal Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº775] - Pisco: Toda a verdade

7 Day 5,139, 06:42 Published in Portugal Portugal Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Agora sabemos porque razão Pisco não continuará a ser Presidente ... abriu dois negócios.

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº774] - Candidatura: Partido dos Produtores

5 Day 5,138, 14:34 Published in Portugal Portugal Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº773] - Contest: Earn 100,000cc with new year!

26 Day 5,138, 06:18 Published in Portugal Portugal Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have 11365 friends today!
In the next few days I will have more.
But at the end of the year I will erase all dead friends.
If you guess how many I'll be with on January 1st, you'll earn money.

The prize is 1000cc If you endorce this article

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