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Lower food import tax//Nizsi importni dan na jidlo

19 Day 395, 10:09 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear citizens of eCzech Republic
Actually we have very expensive food. If we have cheaper food, in our market must be more companies. I think we must open our market to foreign companies. Because if we will have more companies, we wil have bigger

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Why vote me?//Proc mi dat hlas?

1 Day 391, 09:02 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear CRU members
Today is party elections. I´m party president of CRU and I will like be party president for the future. I like tell you our priorities.

This term was for Czech Right Union very great. We won congress elections with the best

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CRU Grain Company

2 Day 382, 05:23 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

About three weeks before Moshe Fisher give us organisation with two companies. One of them was CRU Food Company, this company started made cheap food for all citizens in eCzech Republic. The second was M&M Grain Company (now called CRU Grain

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Our presidental candidate//Nas prezidentsky kandidat

6 Day 379, 08:01 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear Czechs
At first of this article I have for you one question. Who is presidental candidate of Czech Right Union. I help you, this guy was in past (in beta) president of eCzech Republik, he is CRU member, but he is supported by 3 another

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CRU-election program// CRU-volebni program

3 Day 370, 03:11 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear citizens of Czech Republic
It´s going to election and CRU can win it. If we can win, you must vote us. If you can vote us, you must know our program. Czech Right Union is only one far-right oriented party in eCzech Republic. At last election

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