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American GM's: It is time to shut down

8 Day 821, 11:38 Published in USA USA

We are currently in a Spiraling Deflation mainly due to faulty game mechanics in the economic module. Lana is taking away demand and supply is staying the same or increasing. Those that set the eUS economic policies do not think it is prudent to

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Russia's out of money

3 Day 667, 09:38 Published in USA USA

They'd have to be right? They threatened to attack Florida days ago. Unless they are scared of us. So let's give them something to be scared of.

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Why PEACE should be scared out of their minds

11 Day 664, 16:38 Published in USA USA

This is a Newb Times special report that will not be geared towards new people.

For the first time since this war began we have a common enemy with PEACE, and that common enemy is Russia. Russia is supposed to be a PEACE pawn, or coat-tail … read more »

Newb Mini-Update: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

1 Day 646, 09:26 Published in USA USA

The revolution is being brought to you live! Our leaders are playing things close to their chest with many feints and sneaky tactics. Do not attack unless ordered and when ordered attack like crazy. Every citizen will be needed to win this.


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Newb Update Day 645

0 Day 645, 06:14 Published in USA USA

Welcome to another addition of the Newb Update. A lot is going on so I will try and give you the cliff notes version. Also this is being posted before the DoD's daily marching orders so save you attacks for then if you can so they will be most

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