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[廢文] 解任務1/3

39 Day 2,831, 23:58 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


看到今天又是Top5湊不滿的情形 該是廢文上場的時候了(x

倉庫又快滿了 該把武料出貨了(?

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[任務] 機智問答(誤

22 Day 2,681, 00:08 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1-1 問某國幾年幾月總統是誰 火箭一根

1-2 問某國幾年幾月總統是誰 火箭一根

1-3 問某國幾年幾月總統是誰 火箭一根

1-4 訓練10力以上 棒棒糖一根

2-1 在五個起義場分別擊殺25個敵人 40力

2-2 一天回2000體 20力

2-3 邀請兩個新玩家並且他們等級升到20等以上或是在3個不同的戰役而
戰爭等級為全面戰爭規模的戰場各擊殺50人 2HR鋼彈+1炸彈

2-4 當佣兵獲得

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[廢文] 獨裁戰爭

32 Day 2,658, 13:07 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment






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2059 day 限時任務

30 Day 2,059, 00:28 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik


任務 185 - National Mission 1/4: United We Stand
敘述: If you unite your efforts with those of your countrymen, this mission should be completed in no time. So, is it

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24 Day 2,032, 00:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik


媽啦 這次的任務是進擊的巨人梗喔

Prove Your Strength 1/4

任務敘述: It takes a strong God to defeat a Titan, so a mere mortal must be very strong indeed.

任務條件: 強化力量10點

獎勵: 棒棒糖*1

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